Friday, February 27, 2009

A Bit Concerned

I moved to Central Florida about 6 months ago. It seems almost weekly since I moved I hear another sad story about a child abused, abducted or killed. I know this occurs all over but I hear a different story almost every day. My brother came to visit me from VA a few weeks ago. He is thinking of moving to FL and was researching the crime in this big city. Being from a small town, we are not really used to having crime issues. So he did research and watched the news. He made a statement several weeks ago that has stuck with me all this time. "It seems like you'll be OK in FL if you aren't a little kid. Why do they mess with kids all the time down here?!" How sad yet true. Little girls can't walk to the school bus without an attempted rape or abduction. And then there is the Caylee Anthony story. Now there is another little 5 year old girl missing. Is this happening so frequently only in FL? Or does it happen this often all over? Again, I'm from a small town so I know it didn't happen this much back home. But why does it seem all the major news stories of crime against children come from FL?


  1. I think it happens in FL more because it is a transient state. And, people who are likely to consider these sorts of crimes live life as transients. For the same reason the beauty of life in FL has to be balanced against your tolerance for the ever possible hurrican, I think you have to be ready for crimes that are caused when people slither into town and sneak out again. Perhaps the price one pays for living in Paradise?

  2. I guess you are right Holly, it is a chance you take. However, I have decided I will not be raising a family here. Right now, its a good place to be for where I am in life. But I am not willing to take that chance should I ever have children. If that day ever comes, you will find my back in my small town!

  3. As it relates to where one lives...I think it
    it's good to know how big the world is. But, it's better to know how large you need the world to be in order to be happy.

  4. My thoughts exactly... transients flock to Fla.
