Monday, March 2, 2009

Am I old?

This day in was incorporated in 1995 according to my little gadget box. After learning this, my thought was, "Wow its only been around since 1995? What did I do before 1995?" Wait, that was almost 15 years ago. Then I started thinking about how kids today don't remember the time before computers, cell phones or IPOD's. Yes, I was playing The Oregon Trail on the computer in the 3rd grade, but it still makes me feel old. I don't have an IPOD and I don't want one. There is a part of me that rebels against the mainstream technology craziness that goes around. Plus there is the small problem that I have trouble working anything that needs more updates than I do. But am I old?? I sound like my parents! I mean, I would rather my little gadget box thing tell me that today is Dr. Suess's birthday. That is more interesting to me. But the technology wins again. And I, at age 26, am left saying "Kids today blah blah blah." Next thing you know I'll be talking about walking to school in the snow uphill both ways.

1 comment:

  1. The Cat In The Hat Loves That! Oh, Whit, you know how I feel about technology. And, I am old! But, I hafta say, that iPod of mine? I adore it. Absolutely adore it. Even wrote a sonnet to it. Well, not really, but I did write an entire blog entry about it! I'm with you, though, Sister, up hill against technology both ways!
