Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I've been gone for a while. Not because anything took me away from my computer, just because I've been a slacker. So, since my last post some exciting things have happened. My brother moved down to FL and is staying with me until he gets all settled. Sharing a one bedroom apartment with two cats and a brother definitely takes some getting used to! But its kinda nice having family here. However, I'm kind of a neat freak....and he is not....some issues going on there but we will work thru them.

Shortly after my brother arrived, we drove to the coast and watched the space shuttle Discovery take off. For some reason my whole family are NASA nerds so this was quite exciting for us. Brad filmed the launch on his cell phone and I called my parents and let them listen to the scene while they watched on TV. For some reason, most other people aren't as excited as I was about this! But, I think the coolest thing was the patriotism I felt. The beach was full, the most people I've ever seen on a beach. Right when the shuttle took off everyone started cheering and more cheering when the sound barrier was broken. It was awesome. There we all were, watching our astronauts fly into space for our country. And we all just stood there watching the small ball of light cross the sky. It almost reminded me of the 4th of July. I saw kids, I saw elderly people and everyone in between. I don't know, it was just a beautiful site for me. One of the most exciting memories for sure.

And finally, due to the economic crisis, I've had to get a second job in retail. Wow what a shock! I haven't been in retail since my college days. Although I must say, its not as bad as I thought it would be. I almost enjoy it. I work with college kids, as is expected, but they crack me up. I feel like I'm in college again. I don't like working nights and weekends, but beggers can't be choosers and until the economy gets better for my consulting job, retail it is. I have found several co-workers in the same position. Thankfully, there are still retail positions out there for people like me, and others who only have that one job to rely on. It just reminds me that life is full of surprises. No matter how much we plan, life can, and probably will, throw you a curve ball. Make sure you can keep up!

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