Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Advice...or no?

So its been 2 months since I've written a word. And sadly, I don't have much to report. I have decided to give FL one more year and see where it takes me. I'm just not ready to call it quits yet. I still miss home, but I'm having fun, so I'm staying. Although, I do not look forward to spending my birthday, tomorrow, without my family. I think its the first time ever I have not been able to spend it with my family. But I'm sure I will be alright. I'll just have to make up for it the next time I'm able to go home.
And here's my thought for the day. Recently, I've been seeing a lot of young couples, teens or early twenties, profess their undying love for each other and post it all over Facebook/MySpace for the world to see. And then a few months later the whole world gets to see the breakup and the heartache that follows. Or, as in one case, this incredibly young couple decides they need to get married. Right away. Now don't get me wrong, I wanted to get married as soon as I turned 18. Thankfully, the Lord knew that would be a crazy idea and let me be single at that time. If you've read my blog before, you know that I have the best example of marriage in the world as my parents were one of those crazy young couples who got married right after graduation. And 30 some years later they are still together. But I feel like the times and people have changed since then and I'm just not sure its a good idea for most kids to run off and get married or make their significant other the reason for their existence. And my dilemma: should I say something to these kids, just give them a word of advice, or would that come across as bitterness?
I hate to see broken hearts, especially if it can be avoided. So I'm hesitant to voice my opinion. At the same time, I feel like I have an obligation to ask them to just take a breath for a minute and realize the world really does not revolve around the other person. For instance, I know a guy who is still in his teens and he proposed to his girlfriend. They are planning the wedding for next year, yet he still makes comments about how he can't stand her sometimes and he is unsure about the relationship. If you aren't sure you can stand her you most certainly DO NOT need to be married to her! I tried to explain that, but it fell on deaf ears and the wedding is still on. Hopefully my friend does not end up another statistic.
I am a hopeless romantic. I wish things were as wonderful as we all seem to believe when we're young and "in love." I've learned the hard way though that its not that easy. I guess I see myself in these starry eyed kids and don't want to see them go thru the pain that I went thru, and that is in the end inevitable. But even if I do say something, would they listen? Would reason make it thru to their heads so far up in the clouds? Who knows.